Wellness Center
Everything you need to take care of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, in one place
Divin Anselme, Master, Visionary, Holistic Healer, Spiritual Leader and Founder of Celestial Church of Christ - La Repentance, is here to bring universal remedies and concrete solutions to mental, physical and spiritual health.
We offer several types of energy cleansing and healing sessions. Each type is related to a specific need according to human beings lifestyles. Some types of energy cleansing are used only on prescription after a consultation. Some other types are available without prescription in purchase in the Store
CRYSTAL : Cleansing to purify your Life energies & shine
Primary and necessary for a fluid life, the Life energies purification process is a companion for life which never disappoints you.
It purifies your Life energies, bringing you inner harmony, vitality, prosperity, and overall well-being.
ARAGONITE : Session of Physical Healing
Physical pain, mental disorders, chronic illness, energy distorsions and other physical but non-infectious illnesses.
*Upon consultation and appointment only.
Remote or in person
*Please refer to a doctor for any question regarding infectious diseases.
AMETHYSTE : Cleansing to relieve anxiety and stress
A key crossroads of mental health is depression, a phenomenon caused by stress, and anxiety in general. This treatment offers you a practical solution to this problem.
Longevity, inner peace, good mental health, ease and physical well-being will be yours.
HOLISTIC SUPPORT : Clearing the way
Free yourself from invisible chains, from the feeling of insecurity, from fear and ignorance !
Find divine guidance with this concrete solution, offered by Master Divin Anselme. Anyone can benefit from that, whichever your beliefs, your spiritual background or affiliation.
The Neohyuman holistic support is a living experience of the Divine, an experience of bliss, real transformation, success, prosperity and growth, with a living Master from Benin.
Unlock and clear the way for a wonderful experience of Life !
ANGELITE : Session of Holistic Healing
Heavy energies, recurring nightmares, evil attacks, evil spirits, and spiritual distorsions.
*Upon consultation and appointment only.
21 days transformative home process, designed to help you create a wonderful life, build a foundation of self-knowledge, clarity, good health, personal power and establish a chemistry of blissfulness within yourself.
This is a holistic technology designed to guide you towards your ultimate happiness and prosperity.
AZURITE : Cleansing to relieve depression and purify your Aura
Depression is the first negative consequence of the non cleansing of the Aura. You sometimes find yourself blocked on several levels in your life without knowing why ?
Cleansing your Aura will prevent or relieve you from depression, clear blockages, clean the karmic waste that prevents you from moving forward, and organize your energies for you to blossom in your Life.
Wellness tools, straight to your home to enjoy the freedom of self-healing experience from home
In the right atmosphere, the youth will naturally blossom !
We need beautiful hearts like you, to support our mission of bringing Holistic & Natural solutions to Mental Health - Emotional - Physical & Spiritual well-being issues on the planet.
Neohyuman Energy Cleansing helps you to eliminate in a practical way, anything that compromises your well-being, overall health, and slows down your human, professional, social and financial evolution.
Our energy cleansing techniques come from the Angelic science, secrets of nature, ancestral medicinal knowledge and spiritual technologies.
Carefully designed for your ultimate well-being, Neohyuman energy cleansing is offered as consecrated purifier baths. Made to free you from karmic bondages, the purifying elements in the cleansing, enter your energy body through the water on your physical body, and cleanse the according energy system.
It means that you have the opportunity to experience for yourself, the miraculous effects of Neohyuman Energy cleansing, product of the Angelic Science and Mother Nature.
The special feature of Neohyuman energy cleansing is that you don’t need to move around to do it. In the comfort of your home, you can do your own energy cleansing. The entire process is simple and described in a user’s manual, included in the Care kit that you’ll receive.
You can either book a wellness consultation to get an overall well-being check up. After the wellness consultation, we’ll determine which care best suits your needs.
Or directly choose a Cleansing product in the Store and get it delivered to you (1-7 days), or pick it up at the Wellness Center.
It would be appropriate to do energy cleansing at a monthly or quarterly frequency.
This will strengthen your energies, increase your vibration level and continuously optimize your health & well-being.
We offer private, in person holistic healing sessions with appointment.
These sessions are conducted by Spiritual Guides & Spiritual Therapists, Grand Mages Neohyuman and Master Divin Anselme.
To our thoughts, attitudes and clarity. When misaligned in our mental body we can feel anxiety, stress, depression, brain fog, lack of creativity, lack of perception, lack of discernment, and overall down in the dumps.
But balance can always be brought back in. With an aligned mental state, we can expect peace, productivity, ease of action, strong intuition and clear communication.
The physical body is the human vehicle for awakening and liberation. It is important to treat it with care and use it in a conscious way. This one is pretty self explanatory; think your skin and everything beneath ! Organs, joints, etc.
When needing care, the physical body will show signs of tightness, pain and elimination dysfunction (just to name a few). However, when our physical body is in a good place of homeostasis we will feel more open, resilient, balanced and generally free of discomfort.
AKA the path between the physical and the mental bodies. Our emotional body includes everything from our nervous system, to our tears and our hormones. When unbalanced emotionally, we feel disconnected from others, irritable, jealous, stuck and even stiff. But when our emotional body is feeling supported and fluid, we can expect to feel more uplifting sensations like joy, empathy, inclusivity and generosity — all of which makes not only us feel good, but everyone around us.
The emotional body contains your aura, the energetic field around the physical body, and represents the union between your soul, life experiences, and your destiny or purpose. Our emotional body represents the system in charge of how we process and understand our emotions.
Encompassing our connection to the world at large and the divine universe. We can become disconnected to this meta-physical body by not taking time for growth rituals, energy cleansing, diving into silence, quiet and greater symbiosis. It can manifest as illness, loneliness, loss of intuition, inaction and isolation. But when our spiritual body is centered and connected, we feel calm, unafraid, limitless and full of love. It is very important to keep our spiritual connection strong.
When we don’t eat food, the physical body becomes weak. The same way, when we don’t give proper food to the energy or spiritual body, it becomes weak and receptive to negativity.
Basic Life care processes such as overall wellbeing & health check up, regular energy cleansing, periodic healing and energy care, seem not to be included in the habits of people in western societies.
This attitude should change so that people can really know what is bliss, wellbeing, and taste Life in its deepest dimensions.